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HomeED OriginalsFriendly Fridays Chapter 46: Actor Sana Khan

Friendly Fridays Chapter 46: Actor Sana Khan


This week on Friendly Fridays we have with us the very talented and bubbly Sana Khan.

She is a known and very popular actor, model and dancer.

Talking to Sana, we realised how cheerful, friendly and full of life she is. We found out about her likes and asked her some quirky questions.

We truly believe she lives up to her nickname ‘Sardar’ given by Salman Khan when she was participating in Bigg Boss.

She is planning to take beauty/makeup  courses in the near future and wants to start her business in the same line.

Let’s get started  to know her better.

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Team ED: Three words that best describe you?

Sana Khan:

1) Sardar (Salman used to call me:p ) or Baby Khan
2) Cute/Bubbly
3) Talkative

Team ED: Actor, model or dancer, what defines you the best?

Sana Khan: Dancing is love! To be really honest, I can’t choose one.

Team ED: Which was the last book that had an impact on you?

Sana Khan: It would be Paulo Coelho’s Eleven Minutes and also Zaheer. I feel he is an inspiring writer, whenever I read his books, I find myself growing. And I guess the best thing about his works is that they are very relatable.

Team ED: One thing according to you that should change in our glamour industry?

Sana Khan: I am glad that with time the industry is encouraging new faces to make a place for themselves in the industry. However, I still feel that we should give more work to talented people from our own country than people from other countries. We should be working on the development of talent in India before we pass on the work to others.

Team ED: Do you believe in Karma?

Sana Khan: I do, after God and Parents, I believe in the power of Karma.

Team ED: What can one find in your browser history?

Sana Khan:  Basically a lot about fashion and makeup websites, tutorials. People have been following me and asking me questions about my fashion styles and makeup etc. So I get queries from all over and I keep answering those.

Team ED: You were part of Big Boss, How real are the reality shows in our country?

Sana Khan: Very real to be honest! The audience cannot relate to two actors sitting on screen together, so to many may be it seems to be scripted. But it’s very real and in the end everyone wants to win.

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Team ED: If you could do something else, what would it be?

Sana Khan: Like I mentioned before, I would do something related to Beauty and makeup! I am planning to take up courses very soon.

Team ED:  Three things you cannot leave home without? 

Sana Khan: My phone, shades and sunscreen.

Team ED: Something you would want to change about yourself?

Sana Khan: I am too vulnerable at times, I get carried away easily, that’s what I want to work upon. 

Team ED: Who do you think will win the upcoming season of Big Boss?

Sana Khan: I feel the person who successfully shows his real side so that the audience can relate to him or her. That person according to me would win the show.

Team ED: Are you brand conscious?

Sana Khan: Absolutely, and I believe in buying original only.  This is one rule I have always followed since my modelling days.

Team ED: Which how many pairs of shoes do you own?

Sana Khan: To be precise I own 40 pairs of shoes.

Team ED: Wow! With that it’s time to wrap up and rush to do some shoe shopping ourselves ;) Thank you so much, Sana. It was great chatting up with you. 

Sana Khan: I had a great time too! Thank you.

Stay tuned for the next edition of ED’s Friendly Fridays! 

Till then Adios Amigos!

See you next week.

If you wish to follow Sana:

Facebook: http://

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Twitter: http://

(Interview Conceptualised by Pratishtha Mahajan)

Friendly Fridays
Friendly Fridays
Friendly Fridays is ED's very popular interview section.



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