An equilibrium that just doesn’t strike as the laws of demand and supply fail, or rather die! Yes the age old struggle between supply of time and demand for leisure that tempts every student.
For a school student one may still expect the equilibrium to strike somewhere within the acceptable time slot, with the fear and pressure from parents and teachers. But for a college student, the LORD gives up!! The newly felt independence does sometimes gets hard to control, the world always has baits to offer to trap you in the rattrap, a one really hard for a student to escape.
A month before the exam one would sincerely calculate the number of days left and the number of subjects to prepare and allot days. By the time one starts working on the plan it’s already time to draft another one as the previous one is no more feasible. There are very many factors that keep playing with a student’s will to study. Let’s study a few.
The never ending demand for leisure and the limited supply of time take a toll over the student’s mind. The visits to the food joints during college breaks and after college, which some friend would always know a new one and paying a visit is surely irresistible! The fun filled fests, which tempt one to lay bare one’s talent in front of the world. This brings in the problem of choice, on how to allot the scarce resource: TIME.
The fatigue from travelling long distances to and from the college adds on to miseries, constraining the time available even more.
The equilibrium seems to be nearing only in the very short run when it’s just about a week left before the exam date. The pressure, the fear, the anxiety and the unbeatable anxiety that then builds up, put together, is what is aptly termed as “EXAMINARIA”, a disease that every student falls prey to.