Traditional Yet Modern Ways Of Celebrating New Year


2015 is ready to bid goodbye.

2016, on the other hand is all set to bump into our lives.

The clock is ticking faster. Tick. Tock. Tick.

And alas! You have no new year plans…


But don’t worry. Just spread your arms wide in valediction and bid adieu to 2015 in these ‘traditional yet modern’ styles!

1. Watch award shows in ‘Home Theatre’ style- Cuddling up to your blankets and rejoicing the stacked food items, the joy of having a perfect family time while watching the grand award shows can be no less than a celebration.

2.  Play cards- Not a TV person? No issues! Celebrations don’t end for you either. A pack of cards, coca cola, lays, and family or friends to play with, your new years’ eve is sure to turn buzzing!


3. Invite neighbouring families all over for a bonfire- Casual conversations, light music playing in the background and some snacks to devour, all in the light of the flames of the bonfire. What better than a ‘beautiful bonfire night’ during chilly winter days?


4. Become ‘Cordon bleu chef’ for the day- Let the year ending give life to your taste buds! Cook a different cuisine for your family, set a proper table and have the supper going joyous for all. (Don’t miss to bake the ‘new year cake’)

5. Take a catnap for the day, say no to ‘goodnight slumber’- Tittle-tattle with mum, dad and siblings all night, play musical games, make family resolutions and welcome first rays of sun in the new year with laughter and bliss!


6. New Year’s novels- For all the dweebs out there, your new year will be as special! Just grab hold of your favourite new year mystery or romantic novel, your eve will become magical in the light of words you read!

Write to us your ways of making your New Year eve traditionally special!


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