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HomeED OriginalsReviewsBeing Insubordinate Is the Perfect Recipe of Success  

Being Insubordinate Is the Perfect Recipe of Success  


People throughout the world have to face so many issues they have a hard time managing. However, others welcome such challenges with open arms and get what they want regardless of the circumstances they have to go through. One such name is Raquel Downing, the author of the book Insubordinate, who faced challenges that helped her grow as a better individual.

Insubordinate is a book about a woman who kept on a strong belief and continued her journey towards the bumpy road of success. Her book reveals the secret sauce of how to overcome challenges and snatch the victory from the jaws of disappointment. Some people give up hope in a time of distress, but Raquel was one of her kind.

Insubordinate highlights how a woman faced with undue hardship gets the job done and did not let what the people or the society had to say deter her. In her book, Raquel states that many people believe that success is a matter of luck, which is wrong. Insubordinate highlights the fact that nothing is handed for free, but one has to work day in and day out to realize their dreams into reality.

Insubordinate also highlights the fact that why health issues must be taken very seriously rather than lightly. Connecting the dots in the right frame of mind with passion and dedication can help people preserve time, wealth, and health. A healthy lifestyle opens so many doors of opportunities, one can hardly imagine, and this is what she has been advocating over the years. Insubordinate is the perfect recipe for success for those who are looking for inspiration and motivation. Especially for the people who are looking for success and recovery, this book is a must-read.

Insubordinate helps people that even tragic life experiences can help them get back on track on the road to success. The only thing that matters the most is the belief that one should not let in slide, no matter how tough the journey is. There is light at the end of the tunnel and let hope be your biggest motivation source. Facing up to the challenge every day, week, month, or year; will help you become better, not only as a person but also as a professional. In her book Insubordinate, the author also mentions that adapting to various approaches can help people achieve better results. Not every problem has the same solution, but what matters the most is the practices that perfectly handle the scenario. Raquel has done this over the years, which has helped her transform as a successful woman.

The only reason for Raquel Downing to write her book Insubordinate is to provide people the roadmap to success, accepting the good experiences, and leaving out the bad ones. In her book, she mentions that no matter what the circumstances are, one must be up for the challenge and face it with a smile. People of all ages can get valuable advice through this book, helping people transform their future. Insubordinate also highlights the fact that the room for improvement is always there to become a top-level performer. On the way to success, determination, and hard work matters the most, and this is why young people must strive for the best and make an effort to make their dreams into reality. Of course, this won’t be easy, but struggling will help anyone get to the destination.

Ever since Insubordinate is announced to be launched on 14th of October, a buzz has been created throughout the internet and social media platforms. People cannot wait for this life-changing book written by Raquel Downing, because of its value to the target audience.

(Syndicated press content)

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