Watch: Did You Know These Indian Chefs With Michelin Star Rating?

Did you know that Michelin is not a food company? Watch the video for more such unknown facts.


Michelin, a french company, rates restaurants and chefs around the globe on the basis of technique, hygiene, consistency of food etc. Michelin star rating is one of the most coveted ratings and can figuratively make or break a chef’s career.

A lesser known fact about the company though is that it’s a tire company! Years ago, the company started sending food critics anonymously to different top restaurants in order to rate them on a 3 star basis. Over time, it became a craze!

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Today, Michelin star rating is regarded as THE BENCHMARK to classify a restaurant/cafe as one of the top ones. Surprisingly, a number of Indian chefs have received this honour.

Here are some of the lesser known Indian chefs with Michelin star rating:

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Picture Credits: Google Images

Sources: Little India, Trip Savvy, Wikipedia + more

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