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Brooklyn Entrepreneur Arthur Robertson Brings Comprehensive Financial Planning And Investment Management Solutions to Real Estate Investors


Startup Fortune, January 14, 2021: Arthur Robertson, a Brooklyn-based entrepreneur, wants to help people and businesses build wealth. Arthur recognizes that anyone can find health and happiness, create generational wealth, and reach financial freedom. They just need the tools and guidance to do it and that is where Arthur comes in. Now, Arthur wants to share his expertise and unique understanding of the power of vision, perseverance, and willpower to bring comprehensive financial planning and investment management solutions to real estate investors to help them realize their full potential and meet their investment goals.

Arthur’s drive and success come from his dedication to helping others reach financial freedom. By working with Senior Executives at some of the top financial institutions in the world, Arthur developed the experience and know-how to lead people and businesses to financial success. Arthur offers financial planning, investment management, business consulting, estate planning, personal and business credit management, and real estate investing. After taking a risk and leaving his job at Morgan Stanley to start his own Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), Third Eye Advisors, Arthur quickly learned that by investing in real estate, being disciplined, and with adequate financial planning, he could reach financial freedom, no longer have to work for income, and use his resources and talents to create other businesses and give back to his community. 

Third Eye Advisors promotes comprehensive financial planning and investment management solutions to real estate investors. Arthur is particularly effective in this role because he is entirely dedicated to the happiness and success of his clients. “My goal is that everyone will grow to understand economics and become financially savvy with all money matters,” says Arthur. “With my help, people will understand how to budget their money, manage their debt or credit, and adequately plan with a goal of creating generational wealth.” On top of all that, Arthur wants to teach people the power of investing in real estate.

Arthur is currently growing Third Eye Advisors and his other businesses by working diligently to build the best team, recruiting the industry’s top talent and individuals who share his mindset. His short term goal is to create a hedge fund that invests in real estate, stocks, and other alternative investments while beating the returns of the S&P 500. It is only a matter of time before he achieves this goal and so much more.

To learn more about Arthur Robertson and Third Eye Advisors, visit: https://thirdeyeadvisor.com 

About Arthur Robertson

Arthur Robertson is the Founder and CEO of Third Eye Advisors, a Brooklyn-based boutique Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), established in 2019. His unparalleled dedication, drive, and passion for helping others achieve financial freedom led him to found Third Eye Advisors and several other businesses, including Money Talks, a 501(c)(3) organization that helps educate both youth and adults to manage their personal finances and meet their wealth goals. Due to his deeply rooted belief that for anyone to be successful in life they must prioritize their health, both physical and mental, Arthur created Renegade Vegan, an alkaline Vegan food truck serving the NYC area. We will no doubt see remarkable contributions and victories from Arthur in the coming weeks, months, and years.

Arthur Robertson’s Instagram


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