Crystal Grinius, the renowned author of the book “Speaking Out & Speaking Up,” was born in Cambridge’s Small City. She was the oldest among her siblings and was raised in a Portuguese Family, having rigorous and old-fashioned concepts. In 2015, she met the love of her life when she moved to Hamburg, a small town where she lives to this very day. Crystal was a woman with a heart of gold; hence she supported the orphans, who needed her support. In fact, by doing so, she fulfilled what she wanted to do while she was still in her growing years. i.e. to support those people, she always wanted to. Hence, this is the reason she is the center of attention in the lives of children. She was so in with the kids that she had to write books related to them, including “Speaking Out & Speaking Up.”
Based on how some children are mistreated and taken advantage of by their stepfamily throughout the world. As a result, they undergo trauma and stress because of maltreatment. Hence, they get scarred for life and cannot let go off the emotional scars for the rest of their lives. However, so many such cases are highlighted regularly in the media. But the real problem arises when the same incident fails to get registered at the highest level. Therefore, the level of sincerity does not live up to its hype. In the end, the stepfamily continues to inflict punishment on the kids, leaving them with no other choice than to commit suicide eventually.
The author Crystal Grinius emphasizes that in such cases, the original parent must step in and play their role till the time justice is served correctly. So many children are fearful of getting a beatdown from their step-relatives, but if the parent does not leave children on their own and are there for them in times of distress, one day they may grow and return the favor, at a time when parents are no longer able to fight the case of their child. Such travesty of justice is best explained in the book “Speaking Out & Speaking Up.”
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