Dystopian future has been a source of human fancy since times immemorial. From Mary Shelley’s “The Last Man” to H.G. Well’s “The Time Machine” to “Lucifer’s Hammer” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, possibilities have been explored extensively.

Industries worldwide, have made multiple movies on the apocalyptic collapse of the world and the possible extinction of the human race. From Hollywood to European, to Asian Cinema this apocalyptic theme has been a particular hit among audiences around the world.

While there are a plethora of dystopian movies, 5 of those that made a mark are listed below:


Standing in the twenty-first it is unclear how the world, if at all that is, will come to an end. Interestingly, the human imagination has never failed to surprise us when it comes to a dystopian future. The future remains unknown to us all but it should be noted that we, as human beings, live with little power to call our own.

While providing entertainment, these movies do remind us of our helplessness in front of a cataclysmic disaster. Perhaps it pricks the mind on a point of disbelief that is why these movies are so popular around the world.

Image Sources: Google Images

Sources: Netflix, Amazon Prime

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This Post Is Tagged Under: Dystopia, Dystopian fiction, Survive Apocalypse, End of the World, Hollywood, #blockbuster, Humankind, Aliens, Earthquake, Popular Culture.

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