#100 Happy Days


By Rhea Yadav

Sadness is a bore, happiness comes to the fore!

One hundred days of happiness, wait, what?

Remember the time when everything black and emo was awesome and those perpetually depressed people were the coolest kids around? Well, there’s a new fad around. And it makes a comeback with quite a bang! Yes, being happy is the new cool.

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you’re happy and you know it, tell your friends

If you’re happy and you know it and you really wanna show it

For one hundred happy days, come join the band!

If you’re an active social butterfly on our staple social networking websites, chances are that you’ve already seen a flood of the hashtag #100happydays proudly posted along with photographs of people’s favourite things and moments, things and moments which made them happy. And if you’ve been living under a log, here’s what you’re missing out on:

100 Happy Days is an international social media challenge. It is as simple as its name suggests. All it challenges you to do is to stay happy for 100 days in a row and post a picture everyday of the thing which made you happy that day. But as surprising as it may sound, 71% people failed in this mission. I didn’t get time for this. That’s the major reason for failure – people didn’t have time to be happy. What about you?

The possible next thing that comes to our minds is why. Why post pictures everyday? Why even take up this challenge? I know I’m happy, why prove it!

Well, that’s where we all get it wrong. This challenge is neither a showing-off contest nor a medium to make people jealous. This is for oneself! And as clichéd as it may sound to your apprehensive self right now, it really is. Imagine once you’ve completed this challenge and after 100 days, you start looking back. It’ll be like your personal memory album. Not only will you have a good time going through it, you will also rediscover yourself and find out what it is that you actually love.

We’re all so busy with our lives that we tend to ignore the small pleasures in life. Haven’t we all had days which started greatly but towards the end of it, left us miserable and tired and disappointed? On such days, don’t we think how much our lives suck? How there is no happiness in our lives? That’s where the challenge comes to your rescue! It will force you to look at even the apparently frivolous small things in your life which in fact, give you happiness.

It can be a decadent chocolate brownie you ate, a meeting with your childhood friend after a long time, an afternoon spent reading your favourite novel with a warm mug of coffee, an award you won for your hard work and efforts, time spent playing and cuddling with your pet, a beautiful flower you spotted on the roadside while travelling, a compliment and act of kindness from a stranger out of the blue, cleaning your room after days and finding unexpected stuff, a good workout at the gym and glowing skin thereafter, a romantic surprise by your lover that made your heart melt and every other thing which stimulates your happy hormones!

People world over have enthusiastically taken up this challenge and have already started responding positively! So what are you waiting for? Take up this challenge today for it is never too late to start and go on and write your own 100 page autobiography by the end of this.

But what after a hundred days? Does it end there? Well, that’s for you to decide. You shall have fallen in love with life by then and this love will be something which cannot be numbered in days.

Interested? Check their website out now : www.100happydays.com

Doubtful? Guess what, the only way to find out is to see for yourself. Enjoy being happy!


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