By Aanchal Katyal

Humans have this innate tendency to emerge victorious at every war they wage. Everyone wants to outdo Sharma Ji’s kids and be at the top of their game. None of us want to settle for the ordinary when they can always have that extra oomph to it.

In an ideal life, people would be pursuing their passion and excelling at it. They would be having vulnerable relationships with those around them. Money would be pouring and fame shall follow.

They will be truly making a difference to the planet, which shall sequester them from the rest. But, this dream life must not be for the average being, thus one spends most of his life praying to be extraordinary.

This desire, to do more, to be more, to achieve the impossible, often takes a toll on us. This pursuit of perfection causes one to set unrealistic goals, only to fail at them later. The constant failure at these goals, makes us feel that we are not good enough.

Steps In, Disappointment

Sometimes, it even hampers our ability to try new things. This whole process only stagnates us and we keep falling for the illusive concept of the extraordinary.

For instance, my initial years at college were spent in pursuit of THE perfect resume. Therefore, I ended up taking internships I absolutely hated.

All this mindless investment of time was because I believed that a good job would make me achieve everything that the extraordinary are blessed with.

I also saw most of my classmates opting for finance courses for the sake of minting easy money. Everyone was pushing themselves far beyond the normal- running races that they didn’t even enjoy in the first place.

They did all of this just because they were averse to the concept of mediocrity. As a result, these wrong choices took a toll on most of us and soon the simplest of tasks seemed incredibly difficult to manage.

We blamed it on ‘adulting’ and our parents, on our mobile phones. But alas, neither of these reasons was responsible for our everyday faulting. It had all stemmed from the fear of being average and ordinary.

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It Is An Extraordinary Achievement To Be Ordinary

After much thought, I realized that true victory didn’t lie in doing the extraordinary, it’s actually found in carrying out the simplest of tasks with ease.

If only we are mindful throughout the simple tasks, as simple as picking the right internship, we will be destined for greatness.

Choosing to be present in the moment and doing the banal tasks is a choice that only the wise are able to make. One doesn’t have to continuously push himself/herself too much, one just has to be resilient and carry on the everyday tasks with grace.

The world of consumerism and hyper-connectivity has a habit of making us feel guilty for finding joy in the little, ordinary things but it truly is an extraordinary achievement to be ordinary.

To be content in chaos and not succumb to madness while doing the boring jobs is indeed, commendable.

And when between these ordinary moments, greatness comes knocking at your door, it is important to embrace it. It came not because you were the hare, but because you were the tortoise, taking everything slowly but steadily.

Thus, I believe there’s a certain kind of beauty about a commonplace life well-lived, and people need to start appreciating that. When someone aims at accomplishing the simple everyday tasks with perfection rather than chasing a perfect life, that’s when they will truly find joy.

Image Credits: Google Images

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