In today’s national address, PM Modi announced that the nation wide lockdown has been extended till 3rd May 2020. While many of us knew that this lockdown ending won’t result in life going to normal, but there was at least some hope that there would be relaxation. 

A few of my own friends and acquintances who have been stuck at various places were planning to go back to their home if transportation methods started up. 

However, it seems unlikely that will happen with train services having been stopped till the date the new lockdown ends. More than anyone though, it is the out-station students stuck in Kota that are lamenting this extension. 

So much so in fact that #SendUsBackHome has been trending on Indian Twitter since morning with students and their supporters asking the Indian government to figure out some way so that these students could return back to their families. 

What Are Kota Students Asking For?

Kota students are essentially asking the government and official authorities to allow them to return to their homes where they feel safe. 

Many Kota students are running out or are low on food and basic amenities, and although there are various NGOs and hostels that are giving out free food packets, it doesn’t seem enough. 

Many of these students had come to Kota, a place in Rajasthan to prepare for entrance exams like Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) and National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). Kota is a hub for budding engineering and medical students with its many tuition and coaching centers that are all geared towards helping the students crack the very difficult entrance exams. 

However, because of the lockdown that the PM announced on 24th March, many of the students got stuck in the city and could not go back to their homes. 

But now with the announcement of the extension many of the students are asking that they somehow be allowed to return home with this starting the #SendUsBackHome even trending on Twitter. 

Many students have stated that they are running out of financial funding and do not want to stay in their hostels. 

The hashtag had more than 80,000 tweets around afternoon time itself.

A lot of Kota students have been tweeting how they would appreciate if they could return back to their home since living so far away from the family in such times of crisis was not good for them.

Read More: Kerala And Bhilwara Flatten The Curve To Lead The Way In India


Many students have also taken to Instagram and YouTube to spread the message. 

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: Hindustan Times, Twitter

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