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QuoraED: What Do Indian Muslims Want People Of Other Religions To Know About Them


We, Indians, are a bunch of people who love stereotyping others based on what they look like, or the clothes they are clad in, or even their dialect. But the one stratum that has always been at the brunt of this is Muslims. We have judged them, analysed them, and made assumptions about them based on their beliefs, eating habits and hijab, of course.


There is a thread doing rounds on Quora, which voices the opinion of Indian Muslims, and what they want Hindus to know about them.

The original question says, “As an Indian Muslim what do you wish Hindus knew?”

Check out what Indian Muslims had to say about it:

  1. One user said, “As an Indian Muslim girl, I would like my Hindu brothers and sisters to know the following:”
  • Not every Muslim in India can speak Urdu. I am a Tamilian and not a single person in my family can speak Urdu.
  • No, I cannot even drink water when I’m fasting. And yes, there is nothing wrong with swallowing my saliva.
  • Yes, it is a must that I offer Salah five times a day, and when I skip my prayer while in office, I am sinning.
  • No, I cannot shake hands with men. I cannot socialise too, but we are quite liberal on that.
  • Alcohol is forbidden. Yes, forbidden. And if you happen to know a few Muslims who drink, then they are doing something against the religion.
  • No, we do not support Pakistan when India plays cricket against it.
  • Yes, I am particular about having Halal food.
  • Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and Allah are not same. Prophet Muhammad is a messenger of Allah.
  • I cannot understand what I read in the Quran because I don’t understand Arabic. There are translations.


  1. Another user shed some light on “Love Jihad”, which according to us, is the motto of Muslims.
  • Love Jihad– Oh Please! We are no brotherhood of Illuminati. We don’t have any ulterior motives. A guy falls for a girl and pretty much that’s it. Nothing more. Religion comes nowhere into the picture. The term ‘Love Jihad’ is a hoax created by political parties to perpetuate anti-Muslim hatred amongst the general public. Having said that, it is a matter of great loss for anybody for not being able to have a Muslim lover. Though it is a bit unfair generalization, it has some truth in it.


  1. This user basically had all the answers to our generalisations about Muslims.
  • Qur’an permits but does not command a man to have four wivesWhen there is a shortage of men, for example after a devastating war, many women will be unable to find husbands. Most women in that situation, given the option, would rather be a co-wife than no wife. If one maintains a strict monogamy in such a situation, moral depravity is bound to result. Quran shows a preference for monogamy in the following verse: “And marry the single from among you as well as the good from among your male and female servants. If they are poor, then God will grant them from His grace. God is Encompassing, Knowledgeable”. [24:32].
  • The instruction to wear modest dress is not only given to women but men also, in fact, the 1st verse is the instruction for men and then for women. Chapter 24, Verses 30-31: Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof. Both male and female must maintain modest dress. Burqa (Veil) not mandated in the Quran.


  • In extreme conditions where there is no other way one can marry to his/her cousins but this is not a compulsion in Islam but an option given by Allah and His Prophet but should be avoided as The risk of giving birth to babies with genetic defects as a result of marriages between first cousins is no greater than that run by women over 40 who become pregnant also from a biological point of view it becomes clear that first cousin marriage is not recommended because close relatives have a higher than normal consanguinity which means an increased chance of sharing genes for recessive traits. With this high amount of shared DNA, you have a higher risk of birth defects in a baby. Even if cousin marriages are not performed, you can still have such genetic defects in populations where there is a restricted social structure. People misuse this law too much but not all Muslims are not in favour of this law.


Muslims have always been misinterpreted by others, most importantly by Hindus. I hope this clears the air for some people. Do you have something else to add to the list? Tell us in the comments!

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