Between persisting rises in unemployment and waived standardized test scores for fall 2021 university applicants, the decision to pursue higher education is an easy choice when compared to a delayed start in one’s career.
A pivotal factor in making such decisions concern ROI, or return on investment. ROI determines both the worth and appreciation of one’s selection of how one intends to pave their way forward with eyes on reward while avoiding risk. Especially for those aiming to come out the other side of the pandemic with an accomplishment under their belt, it is a shared hope to be as best prepared to navigate wisely.
While many universities have swiftly undergone the transition to remote learning, considerable changes are at the forefront. Extended application deadlines, waived standardized test scores (including the SAT, ACT, GRE, etc.), and increased opportunities to take advantage of application fee waivers greases the wheels for those teetering between unemployment and education acceleration.
Although many students are deferring their start terms until after the pandemic’s unforeseeable end, others are taking advantage of virtual learning. Boarding and room fees have virtually been eliminated, keeping costs to attend effectively down regardless of tuition remaining consistent. Arguably, education has become more accessible than ever, where students can gain admission to institutions previously considered geographically unobtainable.
MatchCollege is the one-stop-shop for all things college, university, and career pivoting. In a time laden with uncertainty, MatchCollege users can rely on constantly updating information on a wide range of information with smart tools that filter by program, class size, rankings, school type, degree programs, financial aid, admissions, tuition.
With this wealth of free and unlimited information available at any user’s fingertips, data is easy to understand with charts and graphs so that students and professionals alike can locate the one out of the eight-thousand available institutions most compatible with their goals in a snap.
Breadth, depth, and value constitute the main priorities and objectives that MatchCollege emphasizes. By shaping their resources to reflect the continually evolving needs of their users, everyone can rest easy knowing they made the best decision for them and their future (pandemic or not) with the help of MatchCollege’s objective and quality material.
By equipping students with the confidence required to pursue their future, MatchCollege is proud to be a small part of their larger journey, especially during such unprecedented times. Preparing minds to thrive for successful careers fuels MatchCollege to continue aiding students and career pivoters shape their road ahead.
Return on investment? MatchCollege acts as a team of experts to help secure the first step forward along the way towards a lucrative future.
Those interested in learning more about MatchCollege can do so here.
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