From the briefcase of my childhood memories, I recall the red colored delicate earthen pots my grandmother used to store water. And more often than not, these dainty little pots became the poor targets of our playthings and shattered.

But not all broken pots share the same fate. In Japan, broken pieces of pottery undergo such special treatment, that I believe every Japanese pottery might harbor a secret wish to be broken!

Without much ado, let me tell you what is it.

It is called ‘Kintsugi’, literally meaning ‘mending with gold’.

This technique involves mixing gold, silver or platinum dust with lacquer for the purpose of repairing cracks in ceramics.

But this unique method of repairing pottery with precious metals has more to it than just the apparent aestheticism.

Here are the top 5 lessons that you can take home from ‘Kintsugi’:

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Image Source: Google Images

Sources: The Mindful Company, Quartz, Life Gate

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