HomeTechnologyI.S.T.E.'s CODE CAMP 1.0 Virtual Hackathon Is A Great Opportunity For Developers...

I.S.T.E.’s CODE CAMP 1.0 Virtual Hackathon Is A Great Opportunity For Developers To Show Off Their Skills



In the year 2020, we hoped for well being, but it grew darker as the time passes by. The lockdown in major cities and towns due to COVID-19 pandemic has ruined the lives of people and as if that’s not enough, it also had its effects over so many students/engineers from schools/colleges.

They had spent enough months fighting the pandemic and now it’s time for the real fun to get them back from where they started.

Now it’s the time for them to get back with their projects ready to defeat the time of recession and take the challenge for good.

So keeping this in mind the team Indian Society For Technical Education Students’ Chapter, SRM-NCR brings you the happiness to code again and prove yourself being a developer. The people at ISTE are ORGANIZING A HACKATHON CODE CAMP 1.0- a virtual Hackathon Camp for developers.

What is CODE CAMP?

CODE CAMP is a virtual hackathon event organized by I.S.T.E. on GitHub. The hackathon comes with a great opportunity for them who are willing to show their talent as a developer.

It requires very technical skills with a little mix of team management and project management skills. The Hackathon will be on GitHub which they believe is a helpful platform to connect with developers all over the world and also it serves the very purpose of hackathons and project management.

The hackathon will be moreover an open-source competition for all the students and developers. It would be a long-running event, almost up to 11 days.

What are the Advantages of participating in the Hackathon

Hackathons are proving grounds for new ideas. They’re especially good tools to stimulate the creative and problem-solving juices of developers.

Unlike their day jobs where risk-taking may be frowned upon, in a hackathon, there is a low cost of failure.

A hackathon brings a great opportunity for showing off developer skills.

Swags are the motivation points for many to take part in Hackathons.

Hackathons show how better one can work within a team and execute his/her task before the deadline.

Their team chose GitHub as a platform for the following reasons:

  • It makes it easy to contribute to your open source projects
  • Version controlling
  • Manages Projects
  • We can raise an issue for the problems faced at the time of challenge.

There are 4 phases of the Code Camp Hackathon


The participants will have to raise a Pull Request to the repository ISTESRMNCR/CODE-CAMP-2020 official GitHub organization and submit their team profile as instructed.

Phase 2. The Hack Days 

The Hack Days are the days that will be given to the team to work on the project with the Selected THEME, when the Pull Request of the team or the individual developer is accepted by the maintainer.

Phase 3. Submission Pull Request

This would be the last but not the least part of the Hackathon. There is more to come. In this phase, the teams have to submit the project by giving the links to their GitHub Repository and the hosted link for their projects.

Phase 4. Result Announcement

Bravo! We made this long and now the day most awaited came. The winners will be decided on the basis of some parameters unlike those used in a function lol!

The Results will be declared on the official website of Indian Society For Technical Education.

Some of the swags or prizes that the winner can expect:

  • CODE CAMP Swag T-shirts for Winning Team
  • Cash Prizes
  • Certificates
  • Goodies & Giveaways from our sponsors

Well! There is a great team behind every idea. And the I.S.T.E. team has done a great job and gave tremendous results within such a less span of time.

The Hackathon will be started from 15 July, 2020.

So what are you waiting for be a part of our Hackathon CODE CAMP 1.0.

For further information feel free to contact their GitHub Maintainer Utkarsh

ED is proud to be their blog partner.

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Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.


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