HomeCampusHindu Youth Summit'21 By Hindu College Goes Online This Year To Motivate...

Hindu Youth Summit’21 By Hindu College Goes Online This Year To Motivate & Grow Young Minds



Hindu Youth Summit is the annual flagship event of Abhyas, The Internship Cell of Hindu College. It is the seventh edition, which will be held online for the first time!

HYS is the blend of opportunities, perspectives, experiences, and awareness in order to enable students to become socially and politically responsible citizens.

It is a platform to motivate young minds to build their personalities by providing them with various career growth choices, as well as giving them exposure to enable them to become conscientious of the issues plaguing the society.

The worldwide pandemic hindered the physical interaction but this time HYS is not only online but also pan India.

The event begins with HYS Marathon on 21st February, where this year there would be runners from across India participating in the virtual marathon and running against the prevalent SOCIAL DIVIDE IN EDUCATION.

A footfall of around 500+ runners (professionals, students, athletes, youngsters, etc) would run for a specific distance in their neighborhoods tracked by a fitness app.

The major portion of proceeds will be donated towards the social cause; for every marathon participant, an underprivileged child gets a stationery kit.

To boost the morale there would be curated playlists, movies, podcasts for the runners which coincide with our theme. The team aims to have maximum participation to minimize the social divide and #ReachEveryMind.

This is followed by Apprentissage on 22nd February, one of the biggest internship fairs of the entire Delhi University circuit.

It is a juncture of recruiters from around 60+ plus companies offering 15+ profiles and the students actively looking for substantial internships.

Apprentissage has cemented its glory due to the participation of organizations such as – Bajaj and Capital, Decathlon, Teach for India, CRY, CPRG, NSDC, LTFS, IPCS, etc coming to the fair to hire interns and volunteers.

Devising a way around this pandemic, it will be an online fair wherein there would be specific meeting links for each company and the students can interact with the company representatives when they apply for offers.

This whole event has been planned to keep in mind the pandemic guidelines as well as the interests of the students so that they don’t miss out on valuable learning experiences.

HYS Conference concludes the whole event on 23rd February. It comprises of panel discussions by reputed speakers and workshops that give a better understanding of what a career might entail for varied sectors, but most importantly it is an attempt to inculcate experiential knowledge and life lessons of the speakers into aspiring students.

With three different panels of Commerce, Science and Humanities there will be a lot to learn about startups, financial education, scope and structure of Ph.D., present scenarios mingled with their personal views on the digital and social divide in education.

At last, the virtual Conference would end with an interactive session wherein the students can ask their queries and receive expert advice.

Register at: https://hys21.com/

For more information check out their online media handles:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hys2021/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/hys2021_?igshid=16dg1pn1heyv9

You don’t want to miss this one!

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Chirali Sharma
Chirali Sharma
Weird. Bookworm. Coffee lover. Fandom expert. Queen of procrastination and as all things go, I'll probably be late to my own funeral. Also, if you're looking for sugar-coated words of happiness and joy in here or my attitude, then stop right there. Raw, direct and brash I am.


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