HomeLifestyleFriendy Friday Chapter 14: Sejal Kumar

Friendy Friday Chapter 14: Sejal Kumar


Welcome to another edition of Friendly Fridays people! Our quest to make a talent map of the world is getting crazier and crazier each week and this time we have someone really awesome to blow your brains out. Wanna talk about fashion? She knows the A to Z of Fashion. She is a Fashion Blogger, Yes! Fashion YouTuber, by the name of “The Clothing Edit”. Today’s guest on the 14th edition of Friendly Fridays is Sejal Kumar, an Economic (Hons) student from Sri Ram College of Commerce by day and Fashion guru by, well…day & night!

Sejal creates easy DIY tutorials for dressing up for YouTube and her latest video also includes funky hairstyles that you can try. An area which we find her excelling in is making DIY’s videos (Do It Yourself)! She loves being on stage, likes to be have the limelight on her, and why not? When you are confident enough to start showcasing, there is no looking back. One may also find her dancing, acting and singing along with making YouTube videos!

FotorCreated copyED Team: Hello Sejal! It’s wonderful to meet you. Would you like to tell us about what you do (even though we’ve done that already :p)?

Sejal: Hahaha, yeah Hi! I run a YouTube channel named ‘Sejal Kumar’ where you can find Fashion videos, Hair Tutorials, DIYs (Do It Yourself projects) and just bits and pieces of my life! Basically, I tell  people how to be cute and trendy! I also just launched a blog by the name “The Clothing Edit” which is another venture to go with the channel.

ED Team: We (our team) could surely use your help with that. Alright, what inspired you and how did you come up with the idea of making videos?

Sejal: Hahaha! I discovered fashion videos on YouTube a couple of years ago and loved them! I literally stalked the Internet trying to find one good fashion YouTuber from India but was unable to. So this summer while travelling in Turkey I decided to make my own channel and jumped right into it! My first video is in fact ‘Travelling in Turkey, Summer Style’

ED Team: Who all do you wish to help with your videos? In a way more bland way, who is your target group?

Sejal: Well, as of now my target group is college or school going girls like me who don’t have the time or money to buy new clothes every day. Those who just like having fun and like to experiment with new with fashion trends! I’m sorry there’s no way to express that blandly.

ED Team: Okay, what is it that makes your channel different from any other fashion blog?

Sejal: Well, my channel’s sole purpose is to help people like me who don’t have access to crazy expensive brands, who repeat clothes and probably wear the same shoes everyday like me! My viewers can learn how take their same old clothes and style them in different ways, do inexpensive DIY projects and that it’s not necessary to be wearing brands to be fashionable.

FotorCreatedED Team: We can’t help but ask you about The “Indian Youtuber”, what’s the story behind such an interesting name?

Sejal: As I mentioned earlier, there are very few Indian YouTubers, as YouTube is more or less, still an upcoming platform for creative content in India. So I just use the hashtag #indianyoutuber to promote the unconventional concept of YouTubers in India!

ED Team: That is pretty cool. Moving on, who has been your inspiration?

Sejal: In terms of creating my Youtube channel my inspiration is a YouTuber called Bethany Mota! She has amazing videos, which I enjoy watching immensely and hopefully my videos come out to be as good as hers in the future.

ED Team: Do you edit and market the videos yourself? Or does someone help you?

Sejal: I do everything, right from conceptualizing to the postproduction  all by myself, it is an individual venture.

ED Team: How did you learn about photography and editing?

Sejal: As a kid in school I used to procrastinate by editing photographs and videos on Photoshop and moviemaker learning from tutorials on YouTube. So, we can say procrastination pays off! (laughs)

ED Team: Well, it certainly does! So what goes on at the back of your mind when you are making a video?

Sejal: While watching a video one may not acknowledge the amount of hard work that goes into it! I did that myself till I started making them! I have to come up with an informative and helpful concept, hunt for locations shoot, find creative ways to edit the video and promote it. It is much easier said than done.

ED Team: How do you interact with your viewers?

Sejal: I generally reply to their comments on all my social media and YouTube. In my latest video I asked my viewers to ask me any questions they had about fashion and I answered them in my video.

asksejalED Team: Well, you know this was coming; it’s kind of a staple. To what extent are your parents supportive of your pursuing this talent from the start?

Sejal: My parents are completely supportive! To the extent my mom actually shot my last video! She did quite a decent job considering her and technology don’t really mesh :)
ED Team: That is one Awesome Mom indeed! Which social media platform (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter) do you think is the most effective in reaching out to the audience?

Sejal: Instagram would be my answer!

ED Team: If not anything in the field of fashion, what other field would you’ve explored?

Sejal: If I am fortunate enough I would love to continue doing Theatre and Dance or else I would probably work in the field of Marketing.

ED Team: Well how do you deal with people who do not like your work?

Sejal: I don’t. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

ED Team: What do you think about friendly Fridays?

Sejal: It is a lovely concept where young people like me can showcase our work and talent to a large number of people! It also motivates us to keep going. I think it’s really awesome!

ED Team: Alright, thanks for that Sejal. Where can we find your work?

Sejal: Thank you for having me. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram and Fcebook.

YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/sejalkumar7

Instgaram and Twitter: @sejalkumar1195

Facebook: facebook.com/sejal.kumar.507

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Clothing-Edit/858714807541963


Subscribe to her YouTube channel to be updated with her new videos!

Friendly Fridays
Friendly Fridays
Friendly Fridays is ED's very popular interview section.


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