COVID-19 Causes Shortage of Interlocking Stones


Covid19 has wreaked havoc on economies the world over. In quite a few places, all production had come to an absolute halt as governments scrambled to battle the disease. When the infection rates started to decline in the summer, industries and the economy slowly began to pick up again.  

It is safe to say that some industries were hit harder than others and are still struggling to get back on their feet. Hence, you may notice a stark shortage in the supply of some items. One such item that seems to be hard to come by is interlocking stones. To understand precisely why interlocking stones have suddenly become so scarce, let’s first understand what these are and how they’re made.  

What Are Interlocking Stones? 

Interlocking stones, also known as interlocking pavers, are individual cement or concrete units. These concrete units are made in a particular pattern so that they “interlock” with each other. They usually mimic cobblestone effects but can be used in a variety of different ways. When it comes to home improvement, these stones are usually used in the design and construction of interlocking driveways, patios and walkways. You will also need interlocking stones if you want to do driveway repair. 

Most interlocking stone companies use polymeric sand to secure the interlocking stones firmly in their place. This sand is placed between the natural interlocks or “joints” of the stones. This makes the stones or pavers more flexible than solid concrete that may crack as the ground contracts or expands over time.

Interlocking stones can be of any shape, size, and color. They can be laid down in a variety of beautiful patterns as well. Not only do interlocking stones look more visually appealing compared to solid concrete, but in most cases, they’re more durable as well. 

Why Is There A Shortage of Interlocking Stones?

As mentioned before, interlocking stones are made from cement or concrete. They are not natural stones, but man-made individual units that give the appearance of stones when placed together. The cement and concrete industry have unfortunately taken a big hit during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Like most other industries, production had come to a near-complete halt in the entire industry, simply because it was unsafe for workers to continue working in the same manner and capacity as before. This slowed down cement production drastically. There have also been numerous supply chain issues that have further slowed down the process as well.

So as we can see, Coronavirus has directly affected the cement and concrete industry. Without these raw materials, manufacturers can not make interlocking stones. Not to mention how the loss of labor in the interlocking stones industry has already slowed production down. However, both these effects have combined to result in what is being termed as a severe shortage in interlocking stones. 

Interlocking stones are used in numerous places, and their demand has steadily grown as people prefer to use them over cement. However, the Coronavirus pandemic caused a severe market shortage.

As Coronavirus restrictions are eased, and work resumes at a normal pace, interlocking stone availability will also increase. But, for now, there remains a dire need for interlocking stones in the market. 

(Syndicated press content)

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