Some studies reveal that every year in India, more than a million new cancer cases are found and approximately half of them die due to ignorance of the disease. Nowadays, it is becoming one of the prominent diseases. But, are you aware that you can prevent and combat Cancer naturally? In today’s article Dr. K. M. Saifullah, the Chief Medical Director of Naturoveda Health World will share some important ways to keep cancer at bay.

So, What is Cancer?

Cancer or Neoplasm refers to a class of diseases, characterized by abnormal growth of cells which tend to multiply in an unrestrained way to invade other tissues through the process of Metastasis.

Normal Cells

  • Cell Shape: Regular
  • Growth: Systematic Growth
  • Oxygen: Requires Oxygen
  • Energy: 95%
  • Environment: Alkaline 

Cancer Cells

  • Cell Shape: Irregular
  • Growth: Out of Control
  • Oxygen: Doesn’t require Oxygen
  • Energy: 5%
  • Environment: Acidic 

Certain Types of Cancer

On the basis of where it begins, Cancer can be divided into 4 main types —

  • Carcinomas: Carcinomas generally form solid tumors and it emerges in the skin or tissue that covers internal organs. Some of the examples of Carcinomas are Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer etc.
  • Leukemias: Leukemia is blood cancer. When the healthy blood cells change and have uncontrolled growth, Leukemia occurs. Acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia are examples of leukemias.
  • Sarcomas: Sarcoma targets the tissues that connect our body like bone and muscle. Generally, Sarcomas appear in fat, muscle, fibrous tissues, blood muscles, nerves, skin tissues, blood vessels etc.
  • Lymphomas: Lymphatic system is the source where Lymphomas occur. It starts in Lymph nodes, thymus glands, bone marrow, spleen which are our body’s disease-fighting network.

There are specific risk factors which result in tumours and further catalyze the evolution of cancer worldwide. As per Dr. K. M. Saifullah, few risk factors are beyond our control but most of them can be averted by following a healthy lifestyle.

Risk factors of Cancer

  1. Diet & Nutrition: More than 95% of cancers are caused by substandard food choices. Processed & fried foods, carbonated beverages, sweetened confectionaries top the list of cancer-causing foods.
  2. Lifestyle: Poor habits like inactive life, unhealthy eating habits, tobacco and alcohol consumption can lead to a wide range of cancers commonly Oral; Lung & Colorectal Cancer. People affected with HPV have the risk of developing Anal, Cervical, Ovarian & Prostate Cancer.
  3. Environment: Environment projects the highest level of carcinogens. Water contaminants like arsenic are linked to Liver, Lung, Bladder and Kidney Cancer. Whereas, on exposure with refined air pollutants like lead, mercury and arsenic can cause Lung and Breast Cancer. Exposure to harmful sun rays can lead to Skin Cancer.
  4. Hormonal Influences: 4-5% of Breast, Cervical, Ovarian and Prostate Cancer are caused due to the level of excess oestrogen in the body. Women who go through EPT (Estrogen-Progesterone Therapy) to treat menopausal symptoms have the highest risk of developing Breast Cancer.
  5. Medical History: 15-20% is due to medical histories of different diseases. For example, people suffering from Ulcerative Colitis or IBS have the chances of developing Colorectal Cancer.
  6. Past Treatments: Treatments like Menopausal Hormonal Replacements, Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Exposure and Abortion increase the risk of developing certain kinds of Cancer.
  7. Genetic Factor: 10-15% of all cancers are results of inherited mutations (Autosomal Dominant, Autosomal Recessive).

Though cancer cells develop very fast, they have certain stages of progression. It paves out a way for the doctors to diagnose and prevent the spread of the disease. Let’s have a look at these stages.

The Different Stages of Cancer

Stage 0: It indicates that there’s no cancer, there are only abnormal cells with the potential to become cancerous. This stage arises only in the case of Breast Cancer and sometimes in Skin Cancer too. This is also called Carcinoma In Situ.

Stage I: The cancer cells are small and are localised. This is also called early-stage cancer. The survival rate is highest during this stage. For example, the survival rate of Breast Cancer is 88%; Oral Cancer is 70%, Lung Cancer 45-49%.

Stage II and III: This stage exhibits enlarged cancer cells which have spread to nearby tissues or lymph nodes. However, this stage generally exhibits good figures in survival rate. The 5-year survival rate for Breast Cancer is 64%, Oral Cancer 30%; Lung Cancer 30%; Local Stage Prostate Cancer is 100%.

Stage IV: This means that the cancer cells have spread to other parts of your body. It’s also called Advanced or Metastatic Cancer. It doesn’t mean there is darkness all around you. There are many cases of Cancer which have produced considerable survival rates, like Breast Cancer 22%, Ovarian Cancer 17% etc.

The Ultimate Cancer Prevention Guide!

So, here Dr. K. M. Saifullah sheds some light on how we can prevent Cancer by controlling our predominating lifestyle. Bounded by the erratic choices that we make daily, we enclose ourselves in the vicious style of living which harms us without our knowledge.

An Outlook towards our Style of Living:

  1. Drink adequate amount of water: Research says that drinking 8 glasses of water on an average every day helps an individual to stay fit by speeding up the metabolism and detoxifying the body.
  2. Keep a check on your weight: Obese people have the higher risk of developing Breast, Bowel and Pancreatic Cancer. Excess fat in our body can affect the working of cell function by increasing the secretion of hormones and triggering defective cell growth, which can later turn into lumps.
  3. Indulge more in aerobic exercises like brisk walking, swimming and also playing games like football, cricket, badminton, basketball, etc. These activities restrict the chances of gaining weight, reduce anxiety and also strengthen the immune system.
  4. Yoga postures such as Tadasana, Trikonasana, Bhujangasana, Matsyasana, Shishuasana, Padangusthasana & Pawanmuktasana help us to stay healthy. Pranayamas like Kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom also contribute to our health. Performing the yoga postures & Pranayama techniques, promotes the lymph flow. This makes the Lymphatic System stronger, which combats inflammation, eradicates dead cells and flushes out toxins from our body.
  5. Say ‘No’ to tobacco and alcohol: Chewing tobacco, consumption of cigarettes are some of the prime causes of various types of Cancer like Lung, Mouth, Throat, Pancreas, Bladder, Cervix and Kidney. Alcohol, on the other hand, increases the scope of various inflammations which causes cancer.
  6. Stay away from risky sexual behavior as it increases the risk of Genital Cancer.
  7. Check-ups at regular intervals or as prescribed by the doctors is a necessary step for the detection of cancer at the initial stage. This can assist you to get treated in a better way.
  8. Sharing needles with people who use intravenous drugs can lead to HIV, as well as hepatitis B and hepatitis C — which can increase the risk of liver cancer.
  9. Talk to your doctor about vaccination against Hepatitis B, Human papillomavirus (HPV) etc to stay protected from certain viral infections.
  10. Wear tightly woven, loose fitting clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible when you are outdoors. Use sunscreen and avoid midday sun. But bask in early morning sunlight to get enough vitamin D in your body.

Diet & Nutrition: A right and balanced diet can lower the cancer risk by 60%. The proper food habit can help you to combat the disease internally as well as prevent them in the first place.

1) Colourful Fruits: Antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids are powerful micronutrients. Fruits like pomegranate, mango, watermelon, apple, plum, papaya freeze the growth rate of cancer cells and boost immunity.

2) Cruciferous and Bright Veggies: Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach have Sulforaphane which helps in diminishing cancer cells. The bright ones such as tomato, beetroot, and carrot are rich in antioxidant Vitamin C & Lycopene which help to absorb free radicals.

3) Dietary Fibres: Fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, peas, lentils help in the stimulation of metabolism. Fibre aids in the quick movement of food through the digestive tract, removing carcinogens and oestrogens responsible for different types of cancer.

4) Healthy Fats: Consume more Unsaturated Fats (healthy fats) by including olive oil, rice bran oil, nuts and fish in your daily diet. Make it a primary point to stay away from the sources of Trans Fats such as cakes and fries. Limit your Saturated Fats, by reducing the intake of red meat and dairy products.

5) Fresh Foods: We should always eat a freshly cooked meal & avoid processed or preserved food. Studies have concluded that processed food increases the risk of cancer. Consumption of food such as soft drinks, white bread, cereals can swiftly increase the blood sugar and insulin levels in your body making it vulnerable to diseases.

6) Herbs & Spices: These natural ingredients, besides adding that extra tinge of flavor in food, also benefits us by keeping cancer away. Add a generous or adequate amount of these following spices or herbs adding that dash of unique aroma.

You can also take Sehat Amrit as it modulates your immunity naturally. Immune power depends on your daily diet in order to function normally.

Herbs and Spices

Black Seeds (Kalonji) : Prohibits cancer cell activity assisted by antioxidants like Thymoquinone.

Indian Ginseng (Ashwagandha) : Boosts immune system, thanks to its Withaferin A content.

Garlic (Lahsun) : Prevents Cancer with the help of elements like Allicin & Quercetin.

Heart Leaved Moonseed (Guduchi) : Relieves inflammation with the aid of alkaloids such as Berberine, Choline, etc. Turmeric (Haldi) : Suppresses growth of tumour with the help of Curcumin.

Dr. K. M. Saifullah is a renowned personality in the field of AYUSH treatment system. He is the Chief Medical Director of Naturoveda Health World and Editor-in-chief of Health Companion. Dr. K. M. Saifullah has remarkable command over Nabz Shanasi (Nadi Parikshan). His ultimate goal is to serve mankind with utmost devotion, care and compassion. He is a Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery and has acquiescence with renowned Ayurvedic and Unani physicians.

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