HomeEntertainmentHere's How And Why Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai Is Making A Comeback

Here’s How And Why Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai Is Making A Comeback


It would not be an exaggeration to call Sarabhai vs Sarabhai the peak of Indian television. The smart and sophisticated humour entertained us thoroughly.

Each character had his/her share of amusing quirks, whether it be Maya’s distaste for Monisha’s middle-class behaviour or Rosesh’s ‘legendary’ poetry which would even put the likes of William Wordsworth to shame!

And every viewer suffered an existential crisis after watching the season 1 finale. What Indian show could ever top this? They promised to return soon, when will they? Questions like these inevitably flood our minds.

Flash forward ten years and still no sign or hints of a comeback, until one fine day this happens:

sarabhai 1

As soon as J.D Majethia tweeted this, the internet went havoc. Everyone started to predict the revival of the show as the ‘surprise’ he mentioned. And now we finally have confirmation by Mumbai Mirror, the show is to return as a Web Series.

Satish Shah’s 64th birthday bash was where the thought of a return bore its seeds. The idea came up and everyone agreed that the iconic show should be brought back.

J.D Majethia told Mumbai Mirror, “We have received so much support from fans online some of whom have even volunteered to finance the show if it returns. During the discussion, we agreed that none of us wanted a never-ending TV series but a shorter term online was a good idea. Once I return from my vacation, I will finalise the script and we will move on from there.”

The actors were also exuberant about the return of the show. “Naseer (Naseeruddin Shah) doesn’t usually attend parties but he was also celebrating with us till 4am and said he’d love to come on the show as a guest. The only reason we are being so careful is because we don’t want to do anything rash. Sarabhai is not about individual characters, we are an iconic family,” Satish Shah told Mumbai Mirror.

And Ratna Pathak Shah added, “I would love to play Maya, but being an iconic show the quality has to be better than the earlier series.”

Web series don’t often attract viewership like televised shows but with a show this prestigious, you just know it will have a huge audience.

Now would be a good time to go and binge watch season 1. We leave you with a cheerful scene from Satish Shah’s birthday bash where the whole cast performed one song every Sarabhai fan knows by heart. (No prizes for guessing)

If this interested you, take a look at

Reasons we love Sarabhai vs Sarabhai



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