Rumour mills are abuzz with the news of a film on Manmohan Singh trickling in. The film is said to be an adaptation of The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making And Unmaking Of Manmohan Singh by Sanjaya Baru.
As per an ET report, the teaser of this movie is expected to release on August 30 and the full-length film is slated to hit the silver screens towards the end of 2017.
The film will reportedly be about Dr Singh’s tenure as the Prime Minister. The first look might go on to embarrass the Indian National Congress, showing how the party denied a state funeral to former PM PV Narasimha Rao.
“The endeavour is not to create any sensation but to present a true account of what transpired during those ten years which changed the political spectrum of the country and fortunes of India’s oldest political party-Congress,” Sunil Bohra (producer of the movie) was quoted as saying in the report.
It’s difficult to say why but we are certainly looking forward to the movie. Probably this excitement is to be attributed to the ultimate “reactions”, to be polite, directed mostly in the general direction of Dr Singh. (Oh Sir, what would memes be without you!)
It would certainly be interesting to see the political correctness of his depiction. If it’s brutally honest, reactions blown out of proportion are inevitable, going by the current trends of taking offence, especially if the issue is anywhere political, and this is very political.
Cinema-wise, it definitely is the season of biopic – most of them done to death in terms of spice. It would be interesting to see how Manmohan Singh and company are treated. (I dread a majority romantic subplot.)
And we can’t stop making guesses about the cast. It would be interesting to see who plays Manmohan Singh and the Gandhis onscreen.
PS: We are rooting for Amitabh Bachchan to play the lead part, but then, could it be a silent movie? *wink wink*
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