If A Nuclear War Was To Start, Who Would Be The First To Fire?


27th May saw a historical event. Obama became the first serving US President to visit Hiroshima after USA destroyed it in 1945. The Question of apology was completely grounded and the decision taken before 71 years stayed untouched.

His gesture at the Memorial was something to be encouraged. He stated that nuclear arsenals should to be used as “moral revolution”, rather than for “base instinct of conquest”.

These words coming from one of the World’s most powerful and influential men, can change the vision of nuclear arsenal around the world.


What nuclear weapons did in the past is miserable. But here is a look on what nuclear weapons can do in the future. There are around 15,850 nuclear warheads shared in 9 countries according to SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). Russia tops with 7500, followed by USA, France, China, UK, Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea respectively.

World War II saw the first use of nuclear weapon. If colonialism was the reason of that war, it will be economic supremacy the next time around. In days to come it is not a war that will bring out nuclear weapon. It will be use of nuclear weapon by a country that will bring out a war.

Of these nine, the probability that the country may use the arsenal is the reversed order of list, only exchanging positions of UK and China. The last four have not signed the Non-proliferation treaty of 1968. Perhaps the statuses of these countries are not on right side of world peace.

North Korea: Always a bad boy on international politics, North Korea is the top threat to the use of nuclear arsenal in triggering an “unhappy event” for the world. The hydrogen bomb test on January 6 this year strengthened the notion. They claimed the underground test to be successful at an undisclosed location. The relationship of India with South Korea is not encouraging, and nuclear usage by them will probably not be a surprise – considering all the events that have lead the world to see the country as it does.

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IsraelThough without much of an external rival, internal issues are magnifying the chances of the country being susceptible to resorting to nuclear warfare in the diseased state. Long standing Palestine conflict and the new Islamic terrorists are adding fuel to the fire there.

After a big list of talks and conferences, Abbas came out with the latest peace plan in 2014. It has not taken form of action yet. Islamic terrorists on other hand are bullying the region and seem to be unstoppable. Necessity may make Israel take in hand the nuclear arm to settle the inside issues; it won’t even need be a global issue to trigger this particular firing.

India, Pakistan: The most important two of all (at least to most of us) are the subcontinent giants. Despite Modi’s many diplomatic visits and attempts at peace-making, India has always been nudged by Pakistan and China has been the strongest supporter to Pakistan.

China’s latest offer of billions to enhance nuclear development in Pakistan is a red-hot issue for Indian politics. The USA has been walking on parallel tracks. Barring these two, all others equipped with a nuclear weapon may align with India if current relationships continue. North Korea will be against the USA and will not mind the alliance partners.

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Though N. Korea has been mysteriously mischievous, the overall scene seems balanced, and nothing big is expected to happen in the near future. However, the leaders of nations are walking on floating stones with tons of load overhead, because the future gives the unexpected. As individual citizens, we all can only hope that if it ever comes to the worst, the nuke isn’t dropped on our heads!

You may also like to read about the Essentials of the Uranium Deal Between India and USA


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