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Getting To Know one of the Well-Known Internet Marketer In The World – Mike Barron


Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognise them.

-Ann Landers

Internet marketing agencies are popping out of nowhere and from everywhere these days. It is extremely easy to find marketing personnel in today’s time. Thousands of graduates from all around the world graduate every year as a marketer and step into the real world giving us a plethora of well educated marketing persons. So it must take a brilliant mind to be the top internet marketer among them. Meet Mike Barron, owner and CEO of LimeLight Media LLC and the receiver of the 2 Comma Club Award, a prestigious award given to the top internet marketers in the world.

Mike founded LimeLight Media in early 2015 after quitting his corporate career. A facebook Ad Agency, LimeLight Media LLC helps gym owners, fitness professionals and personal trainers with lead generations and sales. He started LimeLight by selling websites to local businesses and soon worked with the biggest names in sports businesses including UFC Champs, NFL All Pros and Fortune 500s. But his journey has been quite a roller coaster ride and that is what shaped him to be one of the most successful marketers today. Mike started working in education in 2010 as a career advisor within proprietary education space. Within 3 years he rose to the position of President. In 2015, he joined Grant Cardone’s as a Sales and

Marketing Manager and in the same year started LimeLight Media with a partner.

Mike also launched his closer agency which provides staffing services in which they place closers on a location and earn revenue share for each new deal closed. The agency also teaches closers how to start their own closing firms and scale. If you want to know more about Mike, please check out his: |@themikebarron1 | |

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