Many people are baffled by the twitter length of 140 characters. Not easy to convey yourself in those limited string. But here’s a group who writes stories in those 140 characters. Terribly Tiny Tales or ‘ttt’ as famously known weaves a tale in just 140 characters. This group of writers posts a story everyday stealing the hearts of million with tweet sized story.
The Terribly Tiny Tales (ttt) is visiting Delhi University for the first time at Shri Ram College of Commerce, New Delhi. A workshop in association with Yamuna, The SRCC Magazine is being conducted by the ‘ttt‘ on 19th January, 2015 i.e. Monday from 11 am to 1 pm.
The professional group is a hit on the social networking sites. Despite their crispness, they evoke motions which can be related to and emphasized with. They have more than three lakhs likes on Facebook and tremendous amount of followers on twitter and Instagram.
It is expected that the workshop will be enriching, interesting and helpful to writers who are want their twitter followers to increase (: P).
Hurry! Limited Seats! Admission on the day of workshop on first come, first serve basis!
To register: