As the world starts getting back to normal, the one major issue that people will be facing is getting back to financial stability. This applies to most of the middle class people across the world given that the pandemic has caused many businesses to shut leading people to lose jobs.
At such a crucial time, Philip Karaya of Karaya consulting has some advice for those who need it on how to achieve are looking for jobs or are trying to get back on their feet.
Philip shares, “My Advice would be to take this time to breathe, evaluate what’s important, seek out advice and start a steady path.”
Talking about seeking out jobs, Philip shares, “learn something new, get your resume redone and start networking for jobs and opportunities. It’s better to network for the right job instead of applying blind every time.”
The financial consultant also shared tips on recovering from the pandemic and preparing oneself for the future and says, “Budgeting is crucial, during the pandemic, those who did it were prepared no matter what their income was. The difference is on how to make the most of it.”
Talking a little more about Philip, he is a financial consultant who educates his clients and helps them make financial plans that are for not only their current lives but also for their future. He excels in everything from personal budgeting, increasing personal credit, financial projections, designing profit models and many more things.
While he was just an undergrad, he taught himself day trading and got a headstart for himself. He is currently an MBA candidate at Georgia State and also teaches Business Analysis at Robinson College at GSU.
Philip also moonlights as a motivational teacher, he believes in providing people with the tools to empower themselves to create their own paths in life. He also does pro bono work four days out of every month.
Phillip also has a YouTube channel called ‘Finance with Phil’ where he does his best to spread education to as many people as possible.
(Syndicated press content)
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