July 6: International iconic awards 2022 were hosted in Mumbai on 30 June 2022. Popular nightlife singer Juggy Sandhu received the award for the Best nightlife singer of the year 2022. Juggy has taken over the entire nightlife industry with his soulful voice and energetic vibe. This has made him the go-to artist for club shows, and wedding shows in India. 

He has a record of sold-out shows. He started his career at Three wise men’s karaoke nights, where people loved his voice, and he then decided to take up singing as a full-time career. 

He has come a long way and has made a mark for himself in the nightlife industry. Besides being a singer, Juggy Sandhu is also known for his humanitarian work during the lockdown. He has helped the needy with food, masks and other essential items. 

Congratulations, Mr Juggy Sandhu, for being awarded Best nightlife singer of the year.

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