China to deal with its recent problem with population is apparently trying out various ways to counter it, one of them being to give a week-long holiday to college students.

One might have heard of various reasons college students are given a holiday, perhaps to prepare for exams or after them to relax and travel, but seldom has the main purpose been to fall in love and eventually help the country’s declining birth rate to go down.

According to reports, nine colleges are participating in this very unique place where they’ve announced a week-long holiday for their students to travel and ‘find love’ in April.

What Is This Break For?

The plan was organised by nine vocational colleges in China all run by the Fan Mei Education Group, which announced on March 23rd that they would be going on a break from April 1st to 7th 2023 with the purpose being for students to “learn to love nature, love life, and enjoy love through enjoying the spring break.”

In a statement Liang Guohui, deputy dean of Mianyang Flying Vocational College explained the aim of this break “I hope that students can go to see the green water and green mountains and feel the breath of spring. This will not only broaden students’ horizons and cultivate their sentiments but also enrich and deepen the teaching content in the classroom.”

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As per an NBC News report the Mianyang Flying Vocational College was one the first to announce this spring break and its focus on romance.

While 2019 also saw students being given a week off in the spring, the theme for this year seems to be “enjoy the blossoms, go fall in love” focusing more on personal growth and romance.

For homework all students have to do is keep diaries during this time, track their personal development and make travel videos with the statementing adding “Walk out of campus, get in touch with nature, and with your heart feel the beauty of spring.”

While it is not clearly written that this is for the birth rate purposes, reports claim that this is just one more way for China to try to boost up their declining birth and marriage rates.

According to sources, there have many various ways that organisations and townships have been trying to incentivise people to get married and have children. Apparently, some companies have offered around 30 days of “marriage leave” to their employees whereas others have started campaigns promoting the idea of city women dating rural older bachelors.

Image Credits: Google Images

Feature Image designed by Saudamini Seth

Sources: NDTV, CNBTCTV18, Moneycontrol

Find the blogger: @chirali_08

This post is tagged under: China, China love week, China college, Chinese colleges, China population, China population decline, China birth rate, China low birth rate, Chinese Colleges Break, china college holiday for love

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