Even Your Friends Can Betray You: 8 Things I Learnt From Playing Uno


Slumber party action fading?

Let’s play UNO.

Cousins reunion?

Let’s play UNO.

He cheated on me with his ex.

We’ll play her with draw-four.

Blankets? Check. Beer? Check. Ice cream? Check.

War? UNO!

No matter how scarred a childhood we’ve had, Uno has been that one constant companion who stood by us through thick and thin.

Here are a few things that playing Uno has silently enlightened us about.

  • People change colours all the time. Multiple identity disorder!

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  • Life often takes a reverse turn unexpectedly.


  • There is always a second chance to win.


  • If you don’t say the right thing at the right time you might lose what you have.


  • People don’t show their wild side initially.

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  • You’ve to lose something to win something.

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  • Even your friends can betray you.

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  • When you play a game of Uno, you either win or become borderline psychotically depressed.

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Keep playing, keep learning.

If you have any other crazy lessons that you learnt, share with us in the comments below.

Graphics Credits: Abhinav Jain, Harshita Sharma, UNO (Facebook)


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