We All Need A Digital Detox; More Often Than We Thought



“Mom, I am tired because I played for 2 whole hours in the park and not because I spent 2 whole hours with my play station.”

“Today I didn’t switch on my mobile phone for the entire day…said no one ever.”

“Today I will work peacefully with the amount of creativity and knowledge available in my brain and referring to the books covered in dust, I don’t require the laptop all the time.”

Is that so easy and possible? Maybe just to agree, yes, but practically we all know the truth, it is not. We are technologically dependent for almost everything around.

What do we need?

We need digital detox.


What is a digital detox?

Digital detox is switching off all mobiles, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers for a certain length of time.

This will enable us to spend a screen-free time doing whatever we enjoy apart from the screen. It is a chance to recharge and rest.

How do we do it? Give up electronic connecting devices forever? NOO….

Let us just give ourselves an example and see how do we fit in the same.

Let us take a span of 24 hours. What all do we do using the technology around?

We have our mobile phones and smart phones with us for this entire span in ordinary course. We use applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, popular amongst the youth in general.

We have our laptops and computers. We might surf the net, use various search engines, download and do plethora of other things possible using the internet.

Apart from certain situations and certain people, we generally follow the same for different time spans of our lives.

Now let us imagine, there never being a mobile phone, internet connection, laptop, etc.

Damn! What am I suppose to do?

Think, play, spend time with family, read, pay attention to the minute details of life which otherwise are invisible to me?

Why not? We definitely need detoxification for the electronic brain purification..

I agree that Digitalisation and usage of technology has brought the ultimate change for human life. Times have changed and work is being done within seconds due to the development and growth that we have adopted and are setting our foot further.

But let us not forget that dependence on anything makes us paralyzed enough to not get up on our own feet without the same.

Why not give ourselves a digital detox, say for 24 hours for starters, we can increase that as we get better at it.

I am not asking you to give up technology, nobody can and why should we when the world is moving ahead. When we have moved on from no phones to telephones to mobile phones to smartphones, it is not to give up all. But we can surely give ourselves an opportunity to get a digital detox, an opportunity to reduce our stress levels, interact with physical world.

A little change is good for all of us.

Is it not ?


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