9 Style Lessons from Chanel


The Chanel show is always a crowd pleaser…   It’s also a good place to pick up some lessons in styling because as we know, Karl is all about the details. So as Jay-Z’s “Picasso Baby” played on, I took some serious notes on what I was seeing on the runway. Here are a few style lessons I learned at Chanel…

1. Two bags are always better than one.

2. Don’t be afraid to show a little shoulder.

3. Tie your sweater around your waist…or your neck…wear it any way you want.

4. Pearls on pearls on pearls.

5. Socks + heels. Do it.

6. Hands in your pockets at all times. (Not really a styling trick, not really practical, but you look cooler.) Also, is that a dickie? Remember when we talked about dickies?!

7. Tag your bag. Graffiti logo mania is where it’s at.

8. Be an artist. Ditch the beret and go for a Chanel portfolio instead.

9. Ask yourself, WWKD (What Would Karl Do?)

This article was sourced from www.garancedore.fr/en

Find the original article here:http://www.garancedore.fr/en/2013/10/10/9-chanel-style-lessons/#content


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