Home Finance How Efthymios Savvidis, a 15 Year-old Influencer Makes living off Social Media

How Efthymios Savvidis, a 15 Year-old Influencer Makes living off Social Media

As many people know, social media is a huge platform that lets people grow and expand their brands and services, with billions of people online daily, new ideas and content is always brought out there.

Here today we have 15 year old Efthymios Savvidis, (Aka Makis) from Greece, where at such a young age he began making a living off social media and clients.

We asked him a couple of questions and here’s what he has to say:

What exactly do you do?

So overall, I help people all around the world expand their vision, helping them grow their social appearance to the fullest of my ability, mainly Instagram and other social media have now helped me make thousands of dollars from hundreds of clients at just this young of an age. It takes time to gain the trust that I’ve gained over just 2 years, and it really feels good to have people reach out to me for help and advice on how to become more successful online.

Advice to starters?

I’d suggest keeping your head up top and having your goal set to a reachable level. Many people dream of too much which stops them from going step by step to reach their goal, by having a reachable goal, you know that by a certain time, you’ll attain it and start moving even farther. Social media isn’t about just posting and liking, and in reality many people don’t understand that you can make anything out of anything. Social media is huge, and the amount of jobs and services that you can create and start selling or providing on there are abundant.

How did you start managing big Influencers?

Really, I just kept making friends who each brought and taught me new things and we shared knowledge. Of course, it took time and I had to learn the ways, but just remember, strive for the better, and never give up. I believe that the future is social media and technology, and what I do will always keep getting more advanced and growing in income.

Follow him on Instagram: @Makissv

(Syndicated press content)



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