HomeAutomobiles3 Tips to Maintain Your Car After Professional Detailing  

3 Tips to Maintain Your Car After Professional Detailing  


Getting your car detailed is something that’s going to benefit the vehicle on a variety of levels. Washing, waxing, cleaning the engine, and other activities can leave you with a car that looks and performs largely like you’ve just driven it home from the dealership. Good auto detailing services from a professional mobile company can ensure you are taking the very best possible care of your vehicle. 

However, professional car detailing is not the beginning and end of taking proper care of the vehicle. If you want to truly get the most from the results of some recent detailing work, there are in fact several things you can do without too much time, money, or energy investment on your part.

While there are literally dozens and dozens of tips for taking care of a detailed car, we’ve pared things down to our three favorite tips to maintain your car after professional detailing.

1. Keep The Interior And Exterior Clean

What is the point, you might be asking, of seeking out professional car detailing services, when we’re just going to ask you to do some interior and exterior cleaning yourself?

A fair question. No one is asking you to work on the same level as a professional car detailer. No one is asking for the same level of quality. Having said that, some basically washing and vacuuming for your interior and exterior, even just once a month, can extend the work done by the pros.

Over time, not cleaning your interior and exterior can lead to damage, among other issues. 

2. Check The Minimum

By this, we mean that you should be keeping an eye on things like the engine oil, the tire pressure, the air filter, the exhaust system, and other points of similar interest. You definitely don’t need to be a car expert to do things like check tire pressure or engine oil. However, for some of the other components, including the timing belt, you shouldn’t be afraid to have a mechanic look your car over once in a while.

Keeping even a partial eye on the things can help your car to run at its very best. This also translates to protecting the investment of having professionals handle the detailing work involved. 

3. Take Advantage Of Mobile Detailing

A good way to ensure you’re taking care of your vehicle is to look into professional detailing services at least once a year, if not more (it really depends on the vehicle and your personal tastes). However, you can take things a step further than that, and look for a mobile car detailing company that can come to you.

Imagine being able to get the same level of quality in the work done for your vehicle, but without ever having to leave your home or place of business. A good mobile detailing service will come to any location, and they will come with the ability to handle any of the tasks or services you may have in mind. 

Far and away, these are our 3 favorite car maintenance tips!


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