Home Entertainment Mahabharata and Game of Thrones: striking similarities

Mahabharata and Game of Thrones: striking similarities

credits: (i) comicvine.com (ii) sandeepshots

Now, before you all come at me with pitchforks and knives, saying how dare I compare Game of Thrones to Mahabharata… just listen to me. I am a fan of both Mahabharata and Game of Thrones. Really. Big Fan. Me.

So, I know that if we come down to it, then these two shows are very different, one is the longest poem comprehensible, the other is an ongoing book series, with many left to go.  One is riddled with mythology, and has Gods playing critical roles and the other is a work of fiction with the only fantasy part of it being the existence of dragons. But just last night, while  watching Mahabharata, I was stuck with the sudden realisation of how similar some of the characters in Mahabharata and Game of Thrones are….you don’t believe me, its ok, just look at some of the similar characters below and you just might change your mind

1. The Fearless Warrior Princess:

Daenerys Targaryen/ Draupadi

credits: (i) hireworks.tv (ii) starplus.in
credits: (i) hireworks.tv
(ii) starplus.in


2. The Sacrificing yet Strong Matriarch:

Catelyn Stark/ Kunti

credits: (i) vulture.com
(ii) startv.in


3. The Bastard Son:

Jon Snow/ Karna

credits: (i) gameofthrones.wikia.com
(ii) sandeepshots


4. The spoiled and demented prince:

Joffrey Baratheon/ Duryodhan

credits: (i) sky.com (ii) startv.in


5.  The Female Warrior

Brienne of Tarth/ Shikhandini

credits: (i) comicvine.com (ii) sandeepshots


6. The Kings That Could Be:

Ned Stark/ Pandu

credits: (i) besidethewall.tumblr.com
(ii) starplus.in


7. The Over-Protective Mother, blind to her son’s Faults:

Cercei Baratheon/ Gandhari

credits: (i) fanpop.com
(ii) starplus.in


8. The Great Commander:

Jeor Mormont/ Bhishma Pitamaha

credits: (i) fanpop.com (ii) starplus.in


9. The Child Warrior:

Arya Stark/ Abhimanyu

credits: (i) nerdreactor.com (ii) startv.in


10. The Most Amazing Characters in both the Series:

Tyrion Lannister/ Krishna

credits: (i) reddit.com (ii) starplus.in


Now, I know everyone might not agree with me on  these similarities and that’s fine, its cool. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and well, this is mine. Feel free to comment if you agree or disagree with me on this topic. But please remember, I’m not putting down either of these amazing pieces of literature. They are both my favourite, this is just something I came up with and decided to share with you all.

Thank You.



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