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Helping Entrepreneurs Create Their Success Stories In 15 Days in Brilliant Entrepreneur and Coach, Ash Straughn, aka Kash

Ash is the author of two best-selling books that have changed the perspectives and lives of business owners and content creators for the better.

Enough has already been said about people from different parts of the world that make it huge in the vast entrepreneurial world. They try over and over again, fall multiple times, only to get up again stronger and maore robust. The best example of such an entrepreneur from the US is Ash Straughn, aka Kash, who is turning the business owners’ dreams into a beautiful reality through her business coaching company, The Kash Code, Inc.

Speaking about her life journey, Ash Straughn learned the value of hard work and determination as a small child and faced many obstacles on her way to reaching this influential position in her career. Ash Straughn confesses that she saw constant rejections; however, she fought her way into the elite group of business coaches without being introduced into the industry by any big players.

With a decade’s experience in the industry, Ash has helped businesses reach exponential levels of success by assisting them to gain millions of dollars in revenue. This fueled her desire to help and guide small business entrepreneurs with launching and scaling their brands through her company The Kash Code, Inc., and through leveraging the power of social media and networking.

Today, Ash Straughn is not just a business coach and successful first-generation American entrepreneur. She is also a two-time best-selling author with her books, “From Business Idea to Business Sales in 15 days” and “Social Media Algorithms – The Secrets They Won’t Tell You.” Ash has also gained great respect and recognition for initiating Travel Funds Kids. This growing organization strives to benefit children worldwide by helping schools self-fund and control their budgets.

She has also been doing great as a content creator on social media on Instagram and YouTube with her channel, holding the same name as her company, The Kash Code. After facing many obstacles in life, Ash Straughn has learned that there are two types of failure. One is when individuals want to quit, refusing to learn how to win. The other is when people fail forward, which is treating failure as lessons of what not to do by utilizing deductive reasoning in learning what works for them as an individual. She advises people to be the latter and keep moving forward on their path, no matter the obstacles.

Her next projects include an online course, which takes her best-selling e-book, “From Business Idea to Business Sales in 15 Days,” and expands it into a beginner’s guide with a more in-depth breakdown of each step and some tips and tricks not shared in the book. Ash Straughn created her career from the ground up and has reached a position where she takes others on a successful path. Instagram @thekashcode, website https://www.thekashcode.com/.

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