Home Lifestyle Condoms That Can Change Colour To Detect STD Will End Your Anxiety...

Condoms That Can Change Colour To Detect STD Will End Your Anxiety Regarding Safe Sex

Sex is free but don’t you dare to overlook the fact that it comes with the risk of not being safe!!

How many times have you spent ogling over articles assuring there are no chances of getting knocked up each time you had sex or settled for the fact that you have not contracted STDs?

Condoms just dramatically reduce the risk of STDs and unintended pregnancy but your mind still hinges on the remaining chances that can set your life spinning out of control.

To end all your worries and anxieties that cross your mind even after having taken all the necessary protection, two British teens have proposed an idea about a new type of condom that can detect sexually transmitted diseases among intimate partners.

Colour Changing Condoms
Condoms Changing Color On Detecting STD

What Is This New Type Of Condom?

These smart condoms created by students from the English Issac Newton Academy contain antibodies on the condom that change colors on reacting with antigens of STDs depending on the disease.

As per a report run by the Washington Post, this is what a color changing condom supposedly entails:

“For instance, if the condom were exposed to chlamydia, it might glow green — or yellow for herpes, purple for human papillomavirus and blue for syphilis.”

This new concept by Daanyal Ali, Muaz Nawaz, and Chirag Shah called the S.T. Eye won top honors in the UK’s TeenTech Awards that aims to encourage students to understand the true potential and real opportunities available in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) workplace.

Condoms reduce unintended pregnancy and encourage safe sex

Considering the hard-pressed fact that STIs were a huge problem in the UK, Daanyal states that he built on the new concept seeing a gap in the market as he wanted to help people feel safer.

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How Can Such Condoms Be Awkward?

These condoms raise questions over the detection of diseases in the user or partner or both. It seems unclear whether it will be able to distinguish between the two.

If the condom comes into contact with two or more STDs, there will be logistical difficulties in identifying the color if the condom turns into a rainbow.

If the user even sees a color change, the moot question in hand is what actions they need to take?

Should they run tests verifying the presence of STDs and consult a doctor?

How can these condoms be effective when the users are color-blind?

Although condom companies have started approaching this new idea, it’s tough to conclude whether it is feasible or not citing such loopholes.

Sources:  The Washington Post, Time and others

Image Credits: Google Images

You can follow the blogger at @dhar_aatreyee

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The Evolution of Condoms: From Sheaths Made Of Animal Parts To Rubber And Latex



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