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The New ‘Your Time On Facebook’ Feature Will Help In Limiting Time Spent On The App

We always seem to be cribbing that Facebook is always taking up so much of our time and is addictive, making us waste our life away on it.

For that, Facebook might be coming up with a new feature tentatively titled ‘Your Time On Facebook’ that will record and inform you of how long you have spent on the app.

The yet unreleased feature could really work towards limiting the time people have spent on the app by showing them exactly how much time they are wasting away.

It seems that slowly people are becoming more and more conscious of how much time they spend online and on social media platforms, and while they do want to cut down on it, doing so can be difficult initially.

your time on facebook

What Is This Feature?

The feature while not available to the public yet, was found by engineer Jane Manchun Wong who has previously also found new features of Instagram that are buried in their code.

Doing something similar, she also found this new and developing feature of Facebook and posted about it on her Twitter page.

She even spoke about how Instagram is developing a new feature to work on letting users improve their ‘digital wellbeing’.

As per reports, this feature will allow users to see how much time they are spending on Facebook on each day for the entire week. It will also let users see the average amount of time they are spending on the site in a day.

It is also said that users can then, in order to limit unbridled usage of the app, set a time limit for the day along with also managing their Facebook notifications.

The story was first reported by TechCrunch and a spokesperson confirmed that such a feature was still in the developing stage by saying that: “We’re always working on new ways to help make sure people’s time on Facebook is time well spent.” 

Even Instagram is working on a similar feature that will help users see insight on how much time they are spending on the app and set a daily reminder for themselves after setting a daily time limit for the app.

There might also be a ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature that would allow one to disable notifications so as to not be distracted by them.

Kevin Systrom, CEO of Instagram confirmed this new by tweeting that, “It’s true . . . We’re building tools that will help the IG community know more about the time they spend on Instagram – any time should be positive and intentional . . . Understanding how time online impacts people is important, and it’s the responsibility of all companies to be honest about this. We want to be part of the solution. I take that responsibility seriously.”

Read More: Here’s How You Can Stop Facebook And Google From Tracking You

Digital Well Being

There seems to be an increasing need to control and limit one’s time on social media as people are becoming more and more aware of how toxic it can be to spend all of one’s time online.

Even Google and Apple have rolled out initiatives to work on the digital well-being of their users by letting them see the time they spend on their apps and also take a break from it.

Image Credits: Google Images

Sources: Android Authority, Hindustan Times, Business Insider

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