Home Lifestyle The Do’s & Don’ts Of Rental Property Decor

The Do’s & Don’ts Of Rental Property Decor

When it comes to decorating our homes, we like to get as creative as possible. However, rental properties come with rules, and abiding by them is key in order to avoid potential issues down the line. They aren’t all that difficult to understand, and they won’t stop you from making the place feel like home.

We’re going to go through the do’s and don’ts to make this a little easier for you.


Do Read The Terms & Conditions

Before you go making any changes whatsoever, be sure to check your legal terms. Rental properties come with varying amounts of restrictions, and this is something that will be documented for you. And, if you’re going to ask your landlord for special requests, get them in writing. If they decide to pursue legal matters against you, you need that evidence to back you up. Without it, it’s just your word against theirs.

Don’t Cover The Walls With Wallpaper

In our view, this is certainly something you shouldn’t be doing. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it, but it has the potential to cause a lot of hassle in the long run. Installing it isn’t fun in the first place, and when you come to remove it, you’re going to be wishing you made a different decision. You’re only renting this place; don’t go overboard.

Do Find Ways To Personalize

When you’re looking for apartments for rent, you’re still looking for something that feels like home. This isn’t just a temporary stop; you could be here for years. It’s important that you personalize the place to make it feel like it’s yours. Add anything that you feel is necessary to spruce up the place. Maybe it’s DIY storage features? Maybe it’s additional lighting or a touch of paint in your favorite color? That part is up to you.

Don’t Go Overboard On The Budget

While we’re on the subject of personalizing the home, let’s mention the budget. It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t actually own this place. It might seem tempting to make costly changes to make it look great, but will they go to waste? Unless your landlord is willing to pay for them (which they often won’t be!), you’ll be dipping into your pocket. That’s fine if you’re willing to pay; just be aware that you’re living in a potentially temporary accommodation.

Do Develop A Good Relationship With Your Landlord

Under all circumstances, it’s beneficial to develop a good relationship with your landlord. Pay them on time. Respect their wishes. Don’t do anything without asking them first. It might seem like a pain, but landlords with reputable tenants are happy landlords. This increases the potential of them allowing you to make additional decor changes to the home. They might just give you that extra leeway you need to turn it into the place you want to live in. Or – they might just let you stay there a lot longer! Either way, you win.

Are you living in a rental property? Let us know your experiences with rental property decor.

Image Credits: Pixabay

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