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LivED It: Why Fort Kochi Is Great If You Want To Go To Goa But Are Too Broke To Do So

Disclaimer: Originally published in October 2018. It is being republished since it still remains an interesting topic till today.

Liv’ED It is an ED original style where we write about our personal experiences on experiencing and reviewing any app/place/website which gives us a feeling of coming back for more. 

Note: All images in this article were clicked by the author on her travels.

Every college student plans to go to Goa at least once, but very few accomplish it. The bohemian aesthetic of the place steeped in history, quirky food joints, beaches, unusual souvenirs, and liberal sprinkling of foreign tourists make it quite an attractive getaway destination- not to mention the easy availability of alcohol.

However, as it happens most of the time (and recently happened with me as well), this “Goa Plan” often falls through because a few traitorous members of the gang drop out as the date approaches, or parents find out and don’t approve, or a more common reason- LACK OF FUNDS.

Enter Fort Kochi…

As an alternative, I would like to suggest Fort Kochi- a quaint part of the Kerala city that offers everything that Goa does, at cheaper prices, as Kochi is not often thought of as much as Goa in terms of travel. It also has its own unique culture and food which makes it stand apart from Goa.

A quaint and quiet lane

I went to Fort Kochi in December 2017 and June 2018, and had an absolutely amazing time. The balmy weather coupled with never-ending beaches call for endless strolls outdoors.

A shop selling attar and rangoli powder

Must-See Places

Fort Kochi and the nearby Jew Town have a very interesting history- you will find a Jewish Synagogue, the houses of the existing Jews of Kochi (if you’re lucky, you might be able to meet Mrs. Sarah Cohen- Kochi’s oldest Jewess), a Dutch cemetery, and several relics of the Portuguese history that is shared by both Kerala and Goa.

Meeting Mrs Sarah Cohen, called “Sarah Aunty” by the locals

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Food and Accommodation 

There are several quaint roadside eateries decked up attractively, and several souvenir shops and stalls for you to find something to bring back home. The food is great- expect an abundance of fried fish and cold drinks!

Accommodation is a dime a dozen- for the really rich, there is Koder House, the ancestral house of the Jewish Koder family that has been converted into a boutique hotel, and other such somewhat pricey but attractive places. For the rest of us commoners, there are plenty of Oyos.

The majestic Koder House

A Cheaper Way To Have Fun

In short, don’t get disheartened if you can’t afford Goa- just a little way south is Fort Kochi, a beautiful place that has an equal amount of history, beaches, and memories to offer- at a cheaper rate.

Doorknobs for sale!

Image Credits: Author’s Own (in post), Getty Images (featured image)

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